Want know the secret behind great advertising? It is not as complicated as you may think. Simply put, successful advertising campaigns require meticulous and thorough planning, development and execution. If you stumble at any one of these crucial stages, chances are your advertising will fail to generate interest from customers.

Every business needs new customers to grow, and that can only happen with effective promotion of your brand. Therefore, it is essential for business owners to comprehend the core of developing impactful advertisements.

Whether you choose print ads, brochures or any other promotional tool, the following practices will help make your business advertisement stand out:

Use emotion

A great advertisement seeks to sell a brand by enabling customers to develop an emotional connection. Generally, customers are likely to purchase products that suit their needs and values, inspire them and remind them of something good in their lives – for example, their childhood.

In a nutshell, a good advertiser will understand how to target the emotions of their target audience to drive customer action. One way of doing this is by delivering a meaningful message that resonates with their target audience.

Be memorable

The difference between a mediocre and a great advertisement lies in delivering a memorable message to an audience. Keeping this in mind, make sure to send a thought-provoking message to your audience that will compel them to talk about it for years. In the long run, you brand loyalty will increase.

Talk about benefits

Always tell your audience about the benefits of your product or service. Of course, your customers are interested in finding out the features of your product, but the benefits are equally – if not more – significant to them. Make a list of questions pertaining to your product or service, such as: What does your product or services do? What advantages does it offer to those who purchase it?

Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about how your product or service is beneficial to the user.

Use images

The power of imagery cannot be overstated. Make use of attention-grabbing, exciting colors, graphics, images or videos to deliver your message effectively. While vibrant images make an advertisement pop and are ideal for print ads, be careful not to cross the line into tacky. This is a realm in which employing the services of a skilled professional designer can be a worthwhile expense.

Be original

Whether it’s for visual or written content, make every effort to formulate original concepts. Think of out-of-the-box concepts to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Don’t overdo it

Even though you might think that you are doing your customers a favor by explaining product details, do not over-explain them. People tend to scan advertisements quickly, so grab their attention by developing interesting headlines, instead of giving them an advertisement laden with unnecessary information. Furthermore, avoid using repetitive phrases that will make your advertisement look redundant.


Finally, clearly focus on what makes your brand different from the rest. Once you have thought of compelling reasons, let your audience know clearly. In addition, try to narrow down the reasons to one or two to get your audience’s attention.

These tips are an effective way for you to create inspiring, powerful and meaningful advertisements that will attract new customers and make your brand succeed.

Do you need help creating a compelling advertisement for your brand? Mellady Direct Marketing can help you. Founded in 1986, Mellady Direct Marketing is a leading print and digital marketing company. From initial brand development to complete strategic integrated marketing campaigns, including direct mail, there is something for everyone at Mellady Direct Marketing. Click here to let us address all your business advertising needs.