If you are involved at any level with a nonprofit organization, you know just how crucial it is to raise funds. It is a constant effort, and particularly at the end of the year when the holiday season rolls around it is vital to develop an appeal campaign that reaches donors.

Working closely with a number of nonprofit organizations, Mellady Direct Marketing continues to see great success in strategic nonprofit funding appeal campaigns. What’s important is to develop a nuanced campaign that employs multiple delivery methods.

Stand Out
Raising support for your cause is about more than simply asking for money; it takes creating an emotional connection and bond with people, making them believe in the power of what you’re doing and find it irresistible to lend their financial support.

Successful appeals are those that incorporate the success stories of those whose lives are impacted by an organization. Does your organization work with developmentally disabled young adults? Think of the impact your appeal will have when you share the stories of people who have overcome personal challenges to develop career skills and gain independence.

Or perhaps your organization provides care packages for those deployed around the globe in military service. Photos of battlefield troops opening packages and their real stories of gratitude will help drive home the impact made by your organization.

With a team of talented writers and content creators Mellady Direct works closely with nonprofit clients to identify and develop emotionally powerful stories that help support an appeal campaign.

Develop Your List
When it comes to fundraising, it’s important to engage with your core group of donors, but it’s also vital to reach out to potential donors. By working with an experienced mailer  you can develop a mailing list that targets potential donors using a variety of demographic parameters, including everything from age, gender and income, to interests and whether they have a history of charitable giving. Additionally, by incorporating variable data printing your appeal mailing to past donors can include a custom gift string with giving levels based on each individual’s prior donations.

Multiple Channels, Single Focus
As with any direct marketing effort, we’re firm believers in the power of integrated campaigns that work across multiple channels. For example, while the core of a successful nonprofit appeal campaign may be a 20,000-piece letter mailing with a tear-off reply form and envelope, it can be supported and enhanced by elements such as a newsletters, web ads, social media advertising, and a campaign-specific website landing page that provides a way to donate and pays tribute to donors.

Every nonprofit organization is competing for donations. By developing a strategic, integrated campaign your organization can stand out in appealing for support.

Do you have questions about how to execute a successful nonprofit appeal campaign? Contact Mellady Direct and get started with a free consultation.